Over The Past Week We Have Gotten Several Steps Closer To A Nuclear War With Russia

I am so horrified by what is going on in Ukraine right now.  The world desperately needs peace in Ukraine, but instead both sides are going for the throat.  The Russians and the western powers are both absolutely determined to win in Ukraine, and so now we are witnessing a very dangerous game of “chicken” that could ultimately lead to nuclear conflict.  Western leaders seem quite sure that the Russians are bluffing and that there is no possibility that they would actually use nukes if backed into a corner.  Meanwhile, Russian leaders seem to believe that there is a limit as to how far NATO powers will go to support Ukraine.  But what if both sides are wrong? (Read More...)

The Stage Is Being Set For A Massive Global Rice Shortage

This wasn’t supposed to happen.  For months, I have been writing article after article about the rapidly growing global food crisis, but even though drought is devastating so many other crops all over the planet I thought that there would be plenty of rice in 2023.  Unfortunately, I was wrong.  As you will see below, some of the biggest rice producers in the entire world are being hit really hard, and rice production is going to be way below expectations this year.  Of course rice is one of the primary staples that poor nations depend upon, and so this is a really big deal.  If there is a serious shortage of rice in 2023, that is going to have enormous implications for all of us. (Read More...)

Summer Is Nearly Over, The Fall Is Almost Here, And Winter Is Coming…

I have been hearing from so many people that have a really bad feeling about what the months ahead will bring.  Global events are starting to spiral out of control, and it has become exceedingly clear that we are rapidly moving into extremely challenging times.  In the past, we would always talk about famine, war and pestilence in hypothetical terms, but now they have become clear and present dangers.  For weeks, I have been warning that the period of relative stability that we have been enjoying this summer would soon be over.  The fall is almost here, and winter is coming.  Of course the difficulties that we will be facing as 2022 rolls into 2023 will just be the beginning of our problems.  The years in front of us aren’t going to look anything like the years that we have just been through, and many will be absolutely shocked by how fast conditions change. (Read More...)

Food Banks All Over The U.S. Are “Overwhelmed” As The Cost Of Living Pushes More People Into Poverty

The food lines are back, and they are starting to get really long.  But this wasn’t supposed to happen.  We are being told that unemployment is very low, even though that is not actually true.  And we are also being told that the inflation rate is still only in the single digits, and of course that is not exactly true either.  All over the country, middle class Americans are watching their lifestyles be absolutely eviscerated by the cost of living crisis, and an increasing number of them are turning to food banks.  So we are seeing very long lines at food banks in major cities from coast to coast, and we are also seeing very long lines in rural locations such as northwest Montana(Read More...)

This Winter, Europe Plunges Into “The New Dark Ages”

Could you imagine being sent to prison for three years if you dared to set your thermostat above 66 degrees Fahrenheit?  As you will see below, this is a proposed regulation that is actually being considered in a major European country right now.  If you have not been paying much attention to what is happening in Europe, you need to wake up.  Natural gas in Europe is seven times more expensive than it was early last year, and that is because of the war in Ukraine.  Over the past few decades, the Europeans foolishly allowed themselves to become extremely dependent on gas from Russia.   In fact, more than 55 percent of the natural gas that Germany uses normally comes from Russia.  But now the war has changed everything, and Europe is facing an extremely harsh winter of severe shortages, mandatory rationing and absolutely insane heating bills. (Read More...)

It Is Going To Take “Trillions” To Fix The Massive Derivatives Crisis That Has Erupted In Europe

This thing in Europe is rapidly becoming rather serious.  Vladimir Putin’s decision to end the flow of gas through the Nord Stream 1 pipeline has caused an enormous derivatives crisis to erupt in Europe, and it is going to take a giant mountain of money to fix it.  Some are already referring to this as a “Lehman Brothers moment” for the European financial system, and authorities all over the EU are really starting to freak out.  We haven’t seen anything like this since 2008, and if the Europeans are not able to contain the damage we could soon see a tsunami of financial panic sweep across the entire globe. (Read More...)

A List Of 33 Things We Know About The Coming Food Shortages

Things are far worse than you are being told.  Over the past few months, I have been carefully documenting facts that show that global food production is going to be way down in 2022.  Unfortunately, most people out there don’t seem to understand that the food that isn’t being grown in 2022 won’t be on our store shelves in 2023.  We are potentially facing an absolutely unprecedented worldwide food crisis next year, but the vast majority of the population doesn’t seem very alarmed about this.  So I would encourage you to help me get this warning out by sharing this list with as many people as you possibly can.  As you will see below, we now have so many data points that it is impossible to deny what is coming.  The following is a list of 33 things we know about the coming food shortages… (Read More...)

12 Numbers That Show That We Are Getting Dangerously Close To An Economic Crash As The Fall Of 2022 Approaches

You have heard me say it over and over again.  What we are witnessing right now reminds me so much of 2008, and we all remember what happened in the fall of 2008.  That doesn’t mean that this new crisis will unfold exactly the same way that the last one did.  Ultimately, every economic downturn is unique.  But the fact that we are seeing so many parallels between what is transpiring now and what transpired 14 years ago should deeply alarm all of us.  We appear to be on the precipice of another economic crash, and all of the “solutions” that our leaders give us just seem to make things even worse. (Read More...)