On Top Of Everything Else, Drought, Drought And More Drought Is On The Way For The Western U.S.

Are you ready for more bad news about our food supply?  In recent weeks, I have extensively covered a confluence of factors which are combining to create a global food crisis of immense size and scope.  But one thing that I haven’t written much about lately is the extraordinary drought in the western half of the United States.  According to the official U.S. Seasonal Drought Outlook that was just released by the National Weather Service, nearly 50 percent of the continental United States will either see drought conditions persist or intensify in the coming months.  This is really troubling news, because drought conditions are already having a dramatic impact on agricultural production. (Read More...)

Why Are So Many Mysterious Fires Happening At Food Processing Facilities All Across The United States?

Everyone can see that something really strange appears to be happening, and now even Tucker Carlson is talking about it on television.  For months, unusual fires have been erupting at important food industry facilities all over America.  Last Thursday, I put together a list of 16 major fires that have occurred just since the start of the year.  Unfortunately, since I wrote that article a couple more “mysterious incidents” have taken place.  Very early on Saturday, firefighters were called out to battle a fire at a General Mills facility in Cedar Rapids, Iowa(Read More...)

A List Of 16 Major Fires That Have Occurred At Key Food Industry Facilities In The U.S. Since The Start Of 2022

Can anyone explain why absolutely massive fires just keep erupting again and again at critical facilities all over America?  The tragic destruction by fire of the headquarters of Azure Standard in Oregon shocked millions of people, and since that news broke quite a few readers have been reaching out to me about the long string of unusual blazes that we have been witnessing from coast to coast in recent months.  I decided to look into this phenomenon for myself, and I am sharing what I have discovered so far in this article.  Dr. Benjamin Braddock and others had already been digging into this, and their research proved quite valuable as I began my investigation.  Some of the incidents that people have reported I was not able to independently verify, and others I felt were too minor to be put on this list.  With all that being said, the following is a list of 16 major fires that have occurred at key food industry facilities in the U.S. since the start of 2022… (Read More...)

Food Production Is Going To Be Substantially Lower Than Anticipated All Over The Globe In 2022

I don’t think that people realize how severe this crisis will eventually become.  Never before in modern history have we seen global food production being hit by so many major problems all at once.  It truly is a “perfect storm”, and hundreds of millions of people are going to deeply suffer as a result.  I would very much encourage you to share this article with as many people as you can, because everyone needs this information.  As I discussed yesterday, things may be somewhat bad right now, but conditions will eventually get much worse as the months roll along. (Read More...)

Things Are Bad Now, But You Ain’t Seen Nothing Yet

At this moment, food prices all over America are at incredibly low levels.  I know what many of you must be thinking.  You must be thinking that I have lost my mind, because food prices have been rising at a very rapid rate all over the country.  But when I say that food prices are at “incredibly low levels”, I am not comparing them to where they were in the past.  Rather, I am comparing current prices to where they will be in the future.  Yes, things are bad now, but food prices will be much higher a year or two from now. (Read More...)

In Biden’s Annual Economic Report, The Word “Gender” Is Used 40 More Times Than The Word “Inflation”

I think that the phrase “out of touch with reality” doesn’t even come close to describing what we are witnessing here.  We all knew that the Biden administration was completely out of touch with what is going on in Real America, but it appears that things are even worse than we thought.  Right now, inflation is the number one political issue in the entire country, and the persistent shortages that we have been experiencing are right up there as well.  But the Biden administration apparently has other priorities. (Read More...)

3 Factors Which Are About To Make The Coming Food Shortages Even Worse

A confluence of circumstances has come together to create a “perfect storm” for global food production, and now that “perfect storm” is about to get even worse.  For months I warned that this crisis was coming, and in recent weeks I have been documenting how dire conditions have already become all over the globe.  The head of the UN World Food Program is warning that this is going to be the worst worldwide food crisis since World War II, and even Joe Biden is admitting that the approaching food shortages “are going to be real”.  Unfortunately, there have been some new developments which threaten to significantly escalate things. (Read More...)

A “Robin Hood Mentality” Emerges On The Streets Of America As Gangs Of Thieves Start To Prey Upon The Rich

In the old days, we used to enjoy movies in which Robin Hood would “take from the rich and give to the poor”.  But in the real world things are not supposed to work that way.  In a civilized society, property rights are supposed to be respected.  Unfortunately, the truth is that the U.S. is becoming less civilized with each passing day.  At this point, a “Robin Hood mentality” is starting to emerge all over America.  Highly organized gangs of thieves are specifically searching for wealthy targets, and those targets are often being followed all the way home before being attacked.  I suppose that thieves must think that it makes a great deal of sense to target the wealthy, because robbing the rich is certainly a lot more lucrative than robbing the poor. (Read More...)