Things Are Bad Now, But You Ain’t Seen Nothing Yet

At this moment, food prices all over America are at incredibly low levels.  I know what many of you must be thinking.  You must be thinking that I have lost my mind, because food prices have been rising at a very rapid rate all over the country.  But when I say that food prices are at “incredibly low levels”, I am not comparing them to where they were in the past.  Rather, I am comparing current prices to where they will be in the future.  Yes, things are bad now, but food prices will be much higher a year or two from now. (Read More...)

In Biden’s Annual Economic Report, The Word “Gender” Is Used 40 More Times Than The Word “Inflation”

I think that the phrase “out of touch with reality” doesn’t even come close to describing what we are witnessing here.  We all knew that the Biden administration was completely out of touch with what is going on in Real America, but it appears that things are even worse than we thought.  Right now, inflation is the number one political issue in the entire country, and the persistent shortages that we have been experiencing are right up there as well.  But the Biden administration apparently has other priorities. (Read More...)

3 Factors Which Are About To Make The Coming Food Shortages Even Worse

A confluence of circumstances has come together to create a “perfect storm” for global food production, and now that “perfect storm” is about to get even worse.  For months I warned that this crisis was coming, and in recent weeks I have been documenting how dire conditions have already become all over the globe.  The head of the UN World Food Program is warning that this is going to be the worst worldwide food crisis since World War II, and even Joe Biden is admitting that the approaching food shortages “are going to be real”.  Unfortunately, there have been some new developments which threaten to significantly escalate things. (Read More...)

A “Robin Hood Mentality” Emerges On The Streets Of America As Gangs Of Thieves Start To Prey Upon The Rich

In the old days, we used to enjoy movies in which Robin Hood would “take from the rich and give to the poor”.  But in the real world things are not supposed to work that way.  In a civilized society, property rights are supposed to be respected.  Unfortunately, the truth is that the U.S. is becoming less civilized with each passing day.  At this point, a “Robin Hood mentality” is starting to emerge all over America.  Highly organized gangs of thieves are specifically searching for wealthy targets, and those targets are often being followed all the way home before being attacked.  I suppose that thieves must think that it makes a great deal of sense to target the wealthy, because robbing the rich is certainly a lot more lucrative than robbing the poor. (Read More...)

The Inflation Crisis Of 2022 Is Now Worse Than Anything That We Experienced During The 1970s

Most Americans don’t realize this, but we truly have entered historic territory.  As you will see below, the inflation crisis of 2022 has now escalated to a level that is beyond anything that we experienced during the horrible Jimmy Carter era of the 1970s.  If you are old enough to have been alive back then, you probably remember the constant headlines about inflation.  And you also probably remember that it seemed like the impotent administration in power in Washington was powerless to do anything about it.  In other words, it was a lot like what we are going through today.  Unfortunately for us, this new economic crisis is still only in the very early chapters. (Read More...)

Out Of Control Inflation Is Absolutely Eviscerating America’s Rapidly Shrinking Middle Class

I tried to warn you that the U.S. was going down the exact same path that Venezuela had already traveled.  Once upon a time, Venezuela actually had a thriving middle class, but then a horrific inflation spiral came along and destroyed it.  Thanks to hyperinflation, just about everyone in Venezuela became millionaires, but just about everyone was also pushed into poverty because the currency was essentially worthless.  In order for an economy to thrive, a stable currency is essential, and that is a lesson that our leaders have never learned.  Our politicians in Washington just kept borrowing and spending trillions upon trillions of dollars that we did not have, and the “experts” at the Federal Reserve just kept pumping trillions of fresh dollars into the financial system.  As a result, we now have way too much money chasing way too few goods and services, and this has caused rampant inflation and widespread shortages. (Read More...)

The Earth Only Has A 3 Month Supply Of Food – If Production Stops Humanity Has Nothing To Eat “In 90 Days”

We are far closer to a potential global cataclysm than most people would dare to imagine.  Right now, leaders from all across the political spectrum are openly warning us that a worldwide food crisis is coming.  But when people in the western world hear of such warnings, most of them assume that it will just be something that affects poor people in Africa or Asia.  Unfortunately, that will not be the case this time around.  We truly are in unprecedented territory, and we are going to see things happen in the months ahead that once would have been absolutely unthinkable. (Read More...)

The Global Fertilizer Shortage Means That Far Less Food Will Be Grown All Over The Planet In 2022

I never imagined that I would be writing so much about fertilizer in 2022.  When I was growing up, there were only two things that I knew about fertilizer.  I knew that it helped stuff grow and I knew that it smelled bad.  But these days, experts are telling us that a global shortage of fertilizer could result in horrifying famines all over the world.  Right now, to a very large degree we are still eating food that was produced in 2021.  But by the end of the year, to a very large degree we will be eating food that was produced in 2022.  Unfortunately for all of us, it appears that a lack of fertilizer will mean that far less food is grown in 2022 than originally anticipated. (Read More...)